Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Project!

Here is my new project that I got from the DI...can anyone guess what it is and how much I paid for it...ok my mother paid for it? It is a sewing table (great huh) and it was only $10.00. I'm super excited to paint it and start using it. However, I have to wait until I get a house, because I think my roommates are going to kill me if I bring anymore furniture home.

I also bought a little bench thing; however, I can't find the picture in my phone. So I'll have to post pictures of that later. I also have to Yukon this weekend up here in Orem, so I might go a little crazy...I threatened my dad and brother that the garage is now mine to fill-up. I am proud to say that I put my first furniture item in there today (without my brother knowing, he is at camping with the young mens...we won't be very happy when he gets home. He carried my other purchase down to my room so it wouldn't have to go in the garage!) I also am still on the lookout for a dresser. Since I was home I went to the DI everyday in search for one with no luck. I'm going yard selling on Saturday in Payson and if that doesn't turn up anything I have my dad on the lookout in Richfield at the yard sells...Wish me luck!!!