Friday, December 16, 2011


I finally got my roommate to take me to Costco to get my favorite slices and it was the best 12 bucks I have ever spent!!

We are going to watch Footloose tonight at the $3 movie theater and I'm so excited because all the concessions are only $1!! I'm excited about the movie too but more about getting popcorn and a slush!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


School is done and I am FREE no more school ever again!! I told myself that when school gets over I'll be able to do things that I've been meaning to do in a long time...such as blog and do all my crafts. If you know me I am a little obsessed with pinterest and have gotten my sisters and mom obsessed with it too. If you haven't looked at it do! I love looking at all the crafts ideas that is on there as well as all the recipes. On my computer I have a file of crafts, decorating ideas, quotes, and recipes, and I intend to do all of them (someday). The one that I have found recently that I have been wanting to do with some of my pants is turn them into skinny jeans. Well my first day of no school I finally got to turning a pair of my pants into skinny jeans. It was really easy and turned out way cute! I even took a picture so I could blog about it! I have so many other cute ideas that I can't wait to do!

So since I haven't been blogging for a long time I guess I better catch you all up on my life..its pretty boring and I haven't done anything exciting. I have been looking for a job and a new place to live. I'm still obsessed about moving into a house, but I no longer am going to buy one just rent. Now I've scaled it down to a townhouse...however, there aren't very many cute ones for rent around here. Hopefully by April when I have to move out there will be more cute ones!

That's all that's going on..not very exciting however I'm very excited about Christmas, because I get the week after Christmas off so I can stay home longer than a weekend and I'm super excited!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Where have I been!

A lot of things have been on my mind lately and its stressing the poop out of me! And no I'm not going to move back to Richfield like last time. Here is a list of all the stress in my life!

  • I was offered a job in a different town that was said will be available for me sometime next year before I left for my trip. I can back and they still hadn't made any progress. That was a month with no word or anything. I was really setting my mind to it, because if I do it I would be moving to a new city completely alone. I have family in that town but I wouldn't have anyone to move in with.
  • So stresser number 2 I want a house so so so bad. I probably want a house more than I want a husband...I know that will come but a house seems more in my control. So I've been looking at houses in this area and there are some really cute ones. Its made me really really excited to buy one...ok I admit that I just really want one to decorate...I can't wait to be able to tile, tear up carpet knock down walls. I can't wait! Ask my family that's all I talk about is moving into a house!
  • Since this job offer was going to take forever to get into place I decided to find a new job. $8.20 an hour is just not cutting it! Specially when I have my bachelors degree I have to be making more!
  • I told my family not to tell anyone about this, because I said I would never ever try this. However, my roommate talked me into it and I decided to give it a try. Internet dating....there I said it! I admit I signed up and decided to give it a month to try. Its not going anywhere, none of the guys I message are responding back to that's a little let down.
Since all of these stresses are wearing me down I decided to put them all on the back burner. I'm going to keep my job because even though that store won't open up for a while I am still getting manager training. I'm not going to worry about moving, buying a house, or getting a new job until I finish school the end of this year. By then hopefully things with that job will work out or I'll be able to find another job away from Provo/Orem. I just really want to live outside of Provo/Orem! With that said I'm going to only worry about school! So wish me luck with school because this is the last semester I will ever be doing for the rest of my life!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Recipe!!

If you have never gone to pinterest do it!!! I have found way cute decorating ideas as well as some good recipes....this one I tried last night its....PRETZEL BITS! and super easy!All you needs is:

-Texas size Rhodes Rolls
-Parmesan Cheese
-Cinnamon and Sugar


  • Cute rolls into 4ths and place on a greased baking sheet to let the raise!
  • While rolls are rising get ready a pan with a paper towel and a regular kitchen towel underneath that. Turn on oven to 375 degrees
  • Bring a big pot to a boil..after rolls are risen place about 10 into pot and let sit for 45 seconds
  • Place on paper towel and let dry for a minute..its ok if they look shriveled and gross
  • Carefully place onto the greased baking sheet and place in oven
  • Cook for 15 min...shake around during baking once
  • Roll in Butter and then the choice of topping you want either Parmesan cheese sprinkled with garlic salt or cinnamon and sugar
They were very easy and very i'm off to Seven Peaks!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What trip??

So sorry I haven't posted about my 2 week trip...but it seems I don't have any pictures! Jerika took all the pictures and I haven't loaded them on my computer yet. If you want a little preview head over to Jamie or Jerika's blogs....Someday i'll get pictures and blog about it..I think it will be more exciting for me to look back and remember it! In other news still working and waiting for school to start so it can be over with!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Project!

Here is my new project that I got from the DI...can anyone guess what it is and how much I paid for it...ok my mother paid for it? It is a sewing table (great huh) and it was only $10.00. I'm super excited to paint it and start using it. However, I have to wait until I get a house, because I think my roommates are going to kill me if I bring anymore furniture home.

I also bought a little bench thing; however, I can't find the picture in my phone. So I'll have to post pictures of that later. I also have to Yukon this weekend up here in Orem, so I might go a little crazy...I threatened my dad and brother that the garage is now mine to fill-up. I am proud to say that I put my first furniture item in there today (without my brother knowing, he is at camping with the young mens...we won't be very happy when he gets home. He carried my other purchase down to my room so it wouldn't have to go in the garage!) I also am still on the lookout for a dresser. Since I was home I went to the DI everyday in search for one with no luck. I'm going yard selling on Saturday in Payson and if that doesn't turn up anything I have my dad on the lookout in Richfield at the yard sells...Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekend Full of Fun

Since Jerika is staying away from Facebook for a month I don't have any pictures! Yes I do take my pictures off my sisters Facebook, I just don't take any pictures! I'm out of work for a month (wahoo) and I have been loving it. So far I've went to my family reunion down in Blanding (which I found out that it used to be called Greyson, I like that so much better, its not so bland!) An hour after we got there we donned our swimming suits and headed for recapture. Some other highlights were having a huge family reunion with all the descendants that could come from my great great grandparents Will and Hattie Guymon. It was fun to see everyone who my mom talks about. I love learning about the past and it was fun to learn about my history. Some fun facts Will's parents Louisa Ann Rowley (Will's Mother) was on the Willie handcart company of the Willie and Martin handcart company. His father Noah Thomas Guymon was a body guard for Joseph Smith. Quite a bit of good stock I come from! We also had a fun time lighting off fireworks and having a joke fest with the cousins around a campfire.

On Monday was the annual Richfield 4th of July parade! I love the Richfield parade. This year was no exception, there wasn't too much of anything like cars, horses, tractors. My favorite float was a first in the Richfield parade it was the missionaries. They were so funny shaking hands and doing flips into the truck...its was pretty funny that they were even in the parade.

Other than those exciting moments in my life it has been filled up with Criminal Minds and Bones (both of which my sister is obsessed with so that's all she watches) oh and I forgot to mention Top Gear, which my brother is obsessed with. I have started my chair, which has been on the works for a long long time and haven't got much else done. Hopefully in the coming week I can get a lot more accomplished like moving the bunk beds and finding a dresser. I'm going yard selling with my sister on Saturday so wish me luck!

Friday, June 24, 2011

More About Me!

I promised a list of what I don't like! (don't expect that I have gotten better at blogging....because it will probably only last this week!)

  1. I don't like feet..I have a foot fetish...I got this from my dad, because when we were little he would always make me rub his feet and I hated it!
  2. I don't like wet dogs...I have discovered this by having my dog...I hate giving her a bath! She only gets one from me if she is really gross otherwise she gets one from her grandma or nanny!
  3. I don't like school...however, I like how it keeps me busy and I'm almost done anyways so I have to stick it out!
  4. I don't like mushrooms...I have tasted them and I still don't like them!
  5. Along with mushrooms I hate sea food! This however will have to change in 3 weeks...I'm going to have to learn to love it!
  6. I hate when my dog whines and licks me...she is currently doing that so I had to add that to my list...also the sound she makes when she licks herself!
  7. Speaking of sounds I hate the sound when fingers are rubbed against paper when trying to turn the page!
  8. I don't like being late...I absolutely hate being late and have to leave for something at least 15 min early. I go to work which is down a couple of blocks 15 min early...I go to school at least 45 min early (that's not my fault, because the parking is so awful) however if I don't find a parking spot I don't go to class because I hate walking in late.
  9. I hate being randomly pick on to answer a question...even if I have something to say my mind always goes blank. So I usually just give them a dumb stare until I can figure out what to say!
  10. I don't like sunburns...Ok I couldn't think of a last one and I'm really sunburned right now that my skin feels like its on fire! So that's basically all I can think about right now!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

About Me!

Since I'm bored and am trying to pass the time before it is acceptable to go to bed..its only 9 so I should be able to go to bed in an hour without feeling like a grandma! Anyways so I decided to make a list of what I like and sometime later...probably tomorrow because I have no life and I will be bored again I will make a list of what I don't like!

Things I like, By Jessica Chris Brown!
  1. I love love love to read...I love any book with a happy ending!
  2. I secretly love anything history...I'm not a real history buff, but I like to read books about how people lived in the past.
  3. I love to decorate...I can't wait to buy a house so I can tear down walls, put in tile, paint whatever color I want and make it my own! I try to do that in my apartment, but its hard when you have to please other people and you can't paint!
  4. I love watching movies...I don't cry that often and sometimes a girl needs to cry so I love chick flicks where I can cry and it will be acceptable...I must confess I cry in about 95% of the movies I watch!
  5. I love my family...this one probably should have been at the top of my list, but I was just reading a book so that was on my mind first...I love being with my family and can't wait till the day when I can move to Richfield and build my house right next to my parents house...yes whoever I marry that will be a condition they will have to agree too!
  6. I am a blanket person..I think that is a family thing..I love cuddling up to a blanket and always have to have one when I am watching movies.
  7. I love to do crafts...I love to sew, scrapbook (which I haven't done for a long time)...anything that is craft related...I know its nerdy...but it runs in my blood so I can't help it!
  8. I love taking baths...except the bathtub at my apartment is always gross even after we scrub I have to take baths when I go home...and I take one every night favorite is taking a book and reading it while I'm soaking in the tub!
  9. I love singing in the car...there is only 2 places were I sing and that is church and the car!
  10. Last one and I think its the most important...I love the Gospel...its so comforting and teaches such great values. I think I would be depressed if I didn't have it, because whenever I'm sad or had a hard day I can always pray for comfort and guidance.
Phew that was rough...I had to think hard to get 10...I think the don't one will be a little easier! So stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Wrote A Post!!

While I'm sitting here on the couch after all my strenuous activities today (work, nap, reading, watching TV, making dinner) I decided to write a blog! Proud I know..(anybody want a puppy for a week...she is really bugging me today always wanting to be on my lap! Good thing i'm going home for the weekend so that her birth mother can take care of her)

Nothing exciting has been happening in my life...ok that's a lie, I have a lot of things going on in my life! First off a week from tomorrow is my last day of work for a month! I'm pretty excited about that however, not quite sure how i'll pay my rent in August...I might have to take an I.O.U. from pops! After the annual Meyer family reunion...which I always look forward too I am leaving with my sister and nephew to Tonga. I'm super excited but I feel bad that all my family can't come, but I promise to bring back some prizes!
If you read my sisters blog you know that my Grandma died 2 Saturdays ago and her funeral was last Saturday. It was really sad but I was blessed to be there the last week of her life. The spirit was so strong when the brought her home and stayed throughout the week...I know it was all her angles watching over her, specially my Grandpa and Uncle David. She loved music so everyday we played her church CD's for CD called Reflections of Christ, which is now my favorite and it will always remind me of that last week with her.
I'm moving to Brigham City!!!! I'm so excited and look at housed everyday...that's right I'm buying a house! I'm growing up so fast! However, I'm not moving until after the new year, I got offered a job there; however, the store won't open until next year sometime. I want to move right now but I have to finish school, which this is my last semester and I only have to take 2 classes! I look at houses everyday and always think about ways to decorate it..i'm super excited and I have big plans, (which might include buying a Vespa to drive around in the summer...I have to buy a house first, but I can dream!!!) I just need to find a roommate!
Well that's my exciting life! However, its not that exciting at the moment! I am going home tomorrow and I have been promised by my brother that we can go four-wheeling and fishing so I'm pretty excited..and like I mentioned before next week is the reunion and then the 4th that will be exciting.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Poor Lilly

Poor little Lilly is having her first girl baby is growing up so fast! Don't be surprised but it is just like regular girl time...gross huh! Ya its really gross! So she gets to wear a diaper! Its really cute on her...and I wasn't ever going to put clothes on my dog...but desperate times calls for desperate measures! She is so good with it on and doesn't ever try to take it off. The best part is that she doesn't go potty in the house (or in her diaper)! But mysteriously I did find some poop on the carpet when I came home from work today, I swear I put a diaper on her when I left and she had it on when I got back! She does seem a little depressed with it on...but I think that is just her PMS...she better get used to it, because its going to be permanent thing until she gets potty trained!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fun Month

I have deemed May as my fun month, the month that i have of summer before I go to Tonga. To start out my fun month I drove with my sister and mom to visit the kids in California. The drive was awful and gave me ulcers. Just a tip never drive to California on a Sunday. The stretch from Las Vegas to California is packed traffic the whole way! But it was well worth it! It was fun to hang out and see my sisters new house. The weather was so nice, It was hot and I loved it! We went to the outlet malls, hung out, and worked on projects. It was fun!

For the rest of my fun month I am going back to California camping with my roommates...ok thats about all the adventures I have planned. There is only 6 weeks until I leave and I am starting my countdown!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Busy Weekend

I'm sitting here on the couch trying to figure out something to do! I decided this semester I am not going to do homework on Sundays...I had 2 or 3 lessons in a row about not doing homework on a Sunday, so I thought I better not! This past week I went home, because we were supposed to move Jamie. However, we didn't end up going so this week has been craft week. I started out by ripping up my chair that I am supposed to be reupholstering (sp?) I started to paint it, but it was too I left that for jamie or my mom to finish up! If you have noticed my post before I found this blog that has a lot of cute tutorials for skirts and things. We (jamie and I, she likes to copy what I make! ha ha just kidding, but she does secretly want to dress just like me! Today she even wore the same pajama pants and a black top! Just like me ha ha) Anyways luckily I bought extra fabric, so around 7 or 8 Friday night we started making the lace for days skirt. Of course she is faster at pinning and sewing then i am so she was way ahead of me...We didn't end up having enough lace which we thought we would so I let her finish and I will go get more and do mine. I did get the body of it done, so I just have to put on the lace. I really just let her finish so I could do it different if it didn't work out! ha ha just kidding, but it did turn out really cute, and I think she is going to post pictures.

When I went and bought fabric for the lace skirt I found some cute fabric for a swim suit cover. So after sitting around all morning on Saturday I decided to make my swim suit cover. I was really nervous about using elastic thread but it was so stinkin easy and turned out way cute. To make my swim suite cover maybe took me 2 hours it was so easy! And after that I decdied to make a skirt from fabric that I was going to make pillow covers with for my bed. It turned out cute, but isn't my favorite...I want to find some cuter knit fabric to make another skirt, this was just my test run.

So even though we didn't get to move jamie this weekend I got a lot done,

  • I chopped some wood! yes I did! Last time I was home, Jake was out chopping wood, and of course whenever there is a opportunity to show Jake up I have to take it! I tried my hand at chopping...It was so funny becuase the kids got out the lawn chairs and was cheering for us! That made it even funner, because whenever I got one chopped in half I would do a little victory yell and that made them cheer louder! So this week when I was home Jake came in and told me to come chop wood with him! It was fun, the kids were very supportive this time, they were too involved in swinging!
  • I started my chair, ripping fabric off chairs is hard work. If you could see how many chairs we have reupholstered and still need to reupholster you would think we were crazy. I think my sister has done maybe 5? I'm not sure, my mom has done 1 for Janelle and still has 1 to do for her and she has 2 still to do. I only have 1! But don't worry I already called the garage next to start collecting furniture after Jamie leaves! My mom just wants a stall to park her car and I can get the rest! My dad has the barn now so he doesn't need it anymore!
  • And last of all I got 2 1/2 skirts done!

I've had a very productive week, but I do hope we can move Jamie next week. Not that I don't want her to leave, but I want to start having an excuse to go to California! I need some warm weather!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What a Week!

ok it hasn't been that exciting, but i never know what to title these things. I've debated on what to get myself with my tax money (what i don't put into savings). It first was a cruise, a Ipod touch, a DS, and the final decision is TOMS shoes! And guess what I went and got them today! As soon as I got out to the car I promptly put them on. I'm so glad I decided to get these, because i know I will use them the most!
And of course I had to get my favorite color RED!!

My sister is an extreme couponer...ok maybe not as extreme as those people on the show (if anybody has watched that its crazy what people will do to get coupons, dig through trash, go door to door, spend hours and hours and hours finding deals, organizing, preshopping, and then shopping, its CRAZY) But she got me into couponing, I've been trying to do good, but I don't have the system down yet. I have a little file folder that I have "organized" my coupons in and when i go to the store i just flip through the coupons. Anyways today I went to Smiths to go grocery shopping, for bread, milk, eggs! I wanted to see what i could get using my coupons. It was so frustrating stopping in every isle, go through the coupons to see what I could use. But I used a lot of coupons and saved....$20.00! ha ha its not that much, but it did help me out. Once I get used to the system and how things work i bet I could start saving more!! I just need to sneak newspaper ads out of our clubhouse newspaper stand. Ok they are free, but it does say on there only take 1. Maybe i can just sneak all the coupons out of there and leave the newspapers...who even uses coupons? Nobody will ever miss them!

I've always wanted to learn how to make Blondies, Vanilla Brownies! I've had them when I was little and haven't had them since! I was craving something sweet last night and now and then I like to try new recipes. I got out my trusty Blanding cookbook that my granny gave me one year for christmas and found a recipe in there...there was only 1 vanilla brownie recipe, so of course I had to try it!! They are FABULOUS!!! here is the recipe (for you Jamie...because I'll probably forget the recipe when I come home) its really easy!!

1 cup brown sugar 1 egg- well beaten
1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup melted butter 1 scant cup of flour
pinch of salt 3/4 cups of nuts (optional)

cream sugar, butter and add egg. Sift together dry ingredients and add to sugar/butter. Mix. Add vanilla and nuts. Pour into greased 8" square pan and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes.

Here is my dog...while I was taking a picture of my shoes she of course had to get one too!! Don't mind the scary eyes!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

So Many Project, So Little Time

I'm sure people are so sick of hearing me say this, but I can't wait for summer...and the reason is that I have so many projects I want to do! Homework takes up all of my time and it really is just useless busy work. I have really wanted a swim suit cover for summer, becuase knowing my roommates they will want to be swimming every chance they get, and so will I. I want this summer to be a play summer, because next year hopefully I'll have a real job and won't be able to play as much.

Anyways back to the covers, I want my swimsuit cover to be to my knees and I want it to have straps on it. The only ones I have seen in the stores barely even cover the butt!! So I'm going to make one!! The other night I was searching for a pattern and came across this cute blog called Elle Apparel and I want to make everything on it!

Here is the Swim Suite Cover I want to make. However, I'm going to change it alittle and add two straps instead of a halter, and make it a little longer.

And I want to make this knit skirt!

And this T-shirt dress!

And this Lace skirt!

I just need to find some cute knit fabric. I know working at JoAnns you would think they would have some cute knit fabrics, but they only have solid colors...I want some flowers and stripes!! Anybody know where some cute knit fabric is?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This week has been awful!! Let me start for those of you who don't know is that i got a dog around Thanksgiving time from one of Gracie's puppies. Since everyone talks about their babies I will talk about mine. She is almost potty trained, almost. She won't go up the stairs at our apartment, I think its because there is a gap between them. She likes bows in her hair! She likes to sleep in my bed, which is a very bad habit, because when I'm in Tonga my mother will not let her sleep in her bed with her.

This little butt has been sick for two days and has made my week awful. She has pooped everywhere and has had to take 3 baths today! I have almost sent her back to her mother a couple of times, but she is so cute I can't give her back!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

where have i been?

I really had a goal to blog at least once a week, but of course that didn't last long. School is just too stressful to think about anything else...ok so the only thing on my mind other than school is Tonga.
This has been the worst winter, it goes from sunny and warm to freezing cold. I just wish it would make up its mind! I usually love the snow, but after I got Lilly and have to take her out in the cold its not my favorite anymore! Thats why I'm so excited for summer!
I only have about 12ish weeks of school left, and you can bet i'm counting down. This semester hasn't been too hard so far just a lot of busy work to do, and a lot of presentations (which I swear give me ulcers).
Nothing too exciting has been going on, when I'm not being the loser and doing homework (i'm the only one in the apartment that is going to school which equals no social life!) I just hang out with my roommates. We have some good times....last week we went to the circus!

Thats about all thats going on...i will try to be a better blogger! I have been learning in school how to make money from a blog..any suggestions on what i can write about so people will start reading my blog...i only need like a hundred thousand followers to start making money!!! ha ha just kidding, but it would be nice though!