Friday, June 24, 2011

More About Me!

I promised a list of what I don't like! (don't expect that I have gotten better at blogging....because it will probably only last this week!)

  1. I don't like feet..I have a foot fetish...I got this from my dad, because when we were little he would always make me rub his feet and I hated it!
  2. I don't like wet dogs...I have discovered this by having my dog...I hate giving her a bath! She only gets one from me if she is really gross otherwise she gets one from her grandma or nanny!
  3. I don't like school...however, I like how it keeps me busy and I'm almost done anyways so I have to stick it out!
  4. I don't like mushrooms...I have tasted them and I still don't like them!
  5. Along with mushrooms I hate sea food! This however will have to change in 3 weeks...I'm going to have to learn to love it!
  6. I hate when my dog whines and licks me...she is currently doing that so I had to add that to my list...also the sound she makes when she licks herself!
  7. Speaking of sounds I hate the sound when fingers are rubbed against paper when trying to turn the page!
  8. I don't like being late...I absolutely hate being late and have to leave for something at least 15 min early. I go to work which is down a couple of blocks 15 min early...I go to school at least 45 min early (that's not my fault, because the parking is so awful) however if I don't find a parking spot I don't go to class because I hate walking in late.
  9. I hate being randomly pick on to answer a question...even if I have something to say my mind always goes blank. So I usually just give them a dumb stare until I can figure out what to say!
  10. I don't like sunburns...Ok I couldn't think of a last one and I'm really sunburned right now that my skin feels like its on fire! So that's basically all I can think about right now!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

About Me!

Since I'm bored and am trying to pass the time before it is acceptable to go to bed..its only 9 so I should be able to go to bed in an hour without feeling like a grandma! Anyways so I decided to make a list of what I like and sometime later...probably tomorrow because I have no life and I will be bored again I will make a list of what I don't like!

Things I like, By Jessica Chris Brown!
  1. I love love love to read...I love any book with a happy ending!
  2. I secretly love anything history...I'm not a real history buff, but I like to read books about how people lived in the past.
  3. I love to decorate...I can't wait to buy a house so I can tear down walls, put in tile, paint whatever color I want and make it my own! I try to do that in my apartment, but its hard when you have to please other people and you can't paint!
  4. I love watching movies...I don't cry that often and sometimes a girl needs to cry so I love chick flicks where I can cry and it will be acceptable...I must confess I cry in about 95% of the movies I watch!
  5. I love my family...this one probably should have been at the top of my list, but I was just reading a book so that was on my mind first...I love being with my family and can't wait till the day when I can move to Richfield and build my house right next to my parents house...yes whoever I marry that will be a condition they will have to agree too!
  6. I am a blanket person..I think that is a family thing..I love cuddling up to a blanket and always have to have one when I am watching movies.
  7. I love to do crafts...I love to sew, scrapbook (which I haven't done for a long time)...anything that is craft related...I know its nerdy...but it runs in my blood so I can't help it!
  8. I love taking baths...except the bathtub at my apartment is always gross even after we scrub I have to take baths when I go home...and I take one every night favorite is taking a book and reading it while I'm soaking in the tub!
  9. I love singing in the car...there is only 2 places were I sing and that is church and the car!
  10. Last one and I think its the most important...I love the Gospel...its so comforting and teaches such great values. I think I would be depressed if I didn't have it, because whenever I'm sad or had a hard day I can always pray for comfort and guidance.
Phew that was rough...I had to think hard to get 10...I think the don't one will be a little easier! So stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Wrote A Post!!

While I'm sitting here on the couch after all my strenuous activities today (work, nap, reading, watching TV, making dinner) I decided to write a blog! Proud I know..(anybody want a puppy for a week...she is really bugging me today always wanting to be on my lap! Good thing i'm going home for the weekend so that her birth mother can take care of her)

Nothing exciting has been happening in my life...ok that's a lie, I have a lot of things going on in my life! First off a week from tomorrow is my last day of work for a month! I'm pretty excited about that however, not quite sure how i'll pay my rent in August...I might have to take an I.O.U. from pops! After the annual Meyer family reunion...which I always look forward too I am leaving with my sister and nephew to Tonga. I'm super excited but I feel bad that all my family can't come, but I promise to bring back some prizes!
If you read my sisters blog you know that my Grandma died 2 Saturdays ago and her funeral was last Saturday. It was really sad but I was blessed to be there the last week of her life. The spirit was so strong when the brought her home and stayed throughout the week...I know it was all her angles watching over her, specially my Grandpa and Uncle David. She loved music so everyday we played her church CD's for CD called Reflections of Christ, which is now my favorite and it will always remind me of that last week with her.
I'm moving to Brigham City!!!! I'm so excited and look at housed everyday...that's right I'm buying a house! I'm growing up so fast! However, I'm not moving until after the new year, I got offered a job there; however, the store won't open until next year sometime. I want to move right now but I have to finish school, which this is my last semester and I only have to take 2 classes! I look at houses everyday and always think about ways to decorate it..i'm super excited and I have big plans, (which might include buying a Vespa to drive around in the summer...I have to buy a house first, but I can dream!!!) I just need to find a roommate!
Well that's my exciting life! However, its not that exciting at the moment! I am going home tomorrow and I have been promised by my brother that we can go four-wheeling and fishing so I'm pretty excited..and like I mentioned before next week is the reunion and then the 4th that will be exciting.