Since I'm bored and am trying to pass the time before it is acceptable to go to bed..its only 9 so I should be able to go to bed in an hour without feeling like a grandma! Anyways so I decided to make a list of what I like and sometime later...probably tomorrow because I have no life and I will be bored again I will make a list of what I don't like!
Things I like, By Jessica Chris Brown!
- I love love love to read...I love any book with a happy ending!
- I secretly love anything history...I'm not a real history buff, but I like to read books about how people lived in the past.
- I love to decorate...I can't wait to buy a house so I can tear down walls, put in tile, paint whatever color I want and make it my own! I try to do that in my apartment, but its hard when you have to please other people and you can't paint!
- I love watching movies...I don't cry that often and sometimes a girl needs to cry so I love chick flicks where I can cry and it will be acceptable...I must confess I cry in about 95% of the movies I watch!
- I love my family...this one probably should have been at the top of my list, but I was just reading a book so that was on my mind first...I love being with my family and can't wait till the day when I can move to Richfield and build my house right next to my parents house...yes whoever I marry that will be a condition they will have to agree too!
- I am a blanket person..I think that is a family thing..I love cuddling up to a blanket and always have to have one when I am watching movies.
- I love to do crafts...I love to sew, scrapbook (which I haven't done for a long time)...anything that is craft related...I know its nerdy...but it runs in my blood so I can't help it!
- I love taking baths...except the bathtub at my apartment is always gross even after we scrub I have to take baths when I go home...and I take one every night favorite is taking a book and reading it while I'm soaking in the tub!
- I love singing in the car...there is only 2 places were I sing and that is church and the car!
- Last one and I think its the most important...I love the Gospel...its so comforting and teaches such great values. I think I would be depressed if I didn't have it, because whenever I'm sad or had a hard day I can always pray for comfort and guidance.
Phew that was rough...I had to think hard to get 10...I think the don't one will be a little easier! So stay tuned!
Yay for blogging!!! Can't wait to read more!
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