This past weekend my dad, brother Jake and I went to Texas to visit my Texas family and to Go to Pila's graduation. It was quite an adventure going with only my brother and dad, but I survived. We went on Thursday and just hung out that day. Pila's brother and his family and his Parents came along with some other relatives so it was quite a house full but it was super fun. On Firday we went shopping..we went to a few stores then of course my brother and dad wanted to go to the bass pro shop (it's like cabellas but i thought it had a lot more animals all throughout the store). Anyways it was fun. Ofeina and Ami were a little scared of the animals, but they loved it. The kids loved
the boats, and they had a hunting game where they shot at a target that they loved to do. At there they had tons of animls, but my favorite
was this huge bear. It was so tall, of course we had to take pictures by it. It was way to tall to fit into a picture from my phone so this is all I got of it. On saturday was the was long! And misi was sick so I had to hold him the whole time, but it was ok,
becuase i don't get to hold him lots. Pila's mom made a whole bunch of candy lei's so we each got one. We took tons of pictures then went out to eat. We ate a lot, got stuffed and went back to the house for a program. Pila's family put on a program for him. I guess in tongan culture to honor him they have people dance for him. So all the little girls got dressed up in their tongan
outfits and did a dance. I wish I had pictures of them because it was the cutest thing, but I will post some when I get to my mom's house next week. They also did another dance for him. It was so cute, I love it! Since most of the people there were Tongan they sang songs and said something to Pila in Tongan. I love listening to Their Tongan hymns, even though it is the same hymns we sing ( I think) I always feel the spirit so strong. It is so beautiful to listen to! Later that night we played pounce which I love that game, but I didn't win a lot, I thing it was because my sister was my partner and she's a little slow..ha just kidding. I just had to put that in for her! Sunday was our last day :( We
went over and hung out for a bit then we went off to the airport. We stopped at Chili's and ate lupper (lunch supper Ha!) which was pretty good, went to the airport then said our goodbyes. It's always hard to say goodbye to everyone, but it's getting easier. The first few times I always cried whenever I said goodbye to them, but now I have realized that it won't be to long until I see them again that it isn't so hard. And yes they are probably coming to Utah soon....I know they can never stay away for too long!
Pegboard Corner Desk Tutorial
4 years ago
Sounds fun! I'm sad you missed out on my weekend in Richfield though! So we better just do one again!
Jess, it was fun having you with all of us! When they come to Utah you guys will all have to come up and we can have a pounce night!
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