Monday, August 17, 2009

August Excitement

I have about 2 min to get this post done before I have to go get ready for work. Only 4 more days that I have to work and I will be officially unemployed! I am moving to Provo on sunday and still haven't found a job. But I have some money save so hopefully that will be enough for my needs for a while. However, I am going to be tending my new NEPHEW. Yes I am finally posting about him. Well I just barely got a decent picture of me with him so I can post. His name is Paxton and he is so cute. I get to see him every monday and friday...well and maybe sunday if they want to fix me sunday dinner. But I'm exicited. My cousin got married this month. I love weddings, because we get to be with a lot of family and we get to have fun. Her wedding was outside in their backyard and It was so cute. I had really fun as kitchen duty with some of my aunts. It was a good time, we gossiped, laughed and ate lots of mini fruite pizza's.

Since I have been home I have done lots of projects. I have redid my bathroom, made quilts, made pursus, and my latest is....I redid a chair. It has been sitting on our front porch forever and I really like the chair. So last week I went with my friend to provo and we stopped at my favorite fabric store Gracie Lous. I found this cute fabric and recovered it. It turned out pretty cute I'll just see if it can withstand my using it as my desk chair.
Anyways thats all thats been going on, my little sister moved to her first year of college this last weekend and I'm moving this weekend. I don't know what my parents are going to do with just jake at home. I bet my mom will go crazy and will be coming up north to "visit" a lot!