Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of School!

Yup tomorrow is my first day of school. I haven't been in school for a year and tomorrow I'm going. I am even going to ride the bus to school...I think that is what I am most nervous for. I got my bus schedule that I need to be on and today I went and got my student ID and bus pass. I am excited though to meet new people. Hopefully with the 3 hours I have to spare in between my morning class and afternoon classes I'll be able to meet new people and get some homework done so i can relax after school. I am taking intro to marketing, and two interior design classes. I am super excited about the interior design classes and maybe I can find out if they have a major for it. Well wish me luck for my first day of school!


Olson Family said...

Yay! Have fun at school! Hopefully you meet lots of fun people! GOOD LUCK!